Marcus Shoffner

  • Visual Identity
  • Digital Identity

After working with Marcus Shoffner on The Outdoor Inclusion Coalition, it came as no surprise that he wasn’t done gaining new ground - quite literally. Marcus approached us with a desire to pursue a personal brand and digital identity to advance his opportunities as a climber, explorer, guide, alpine skier, and speaker. Inspired by his achievements and ambitions, we built a visual and digital identity system to reflect Shoffner’s pursuit of new horizons.

Upon meeting Marcus you’ll be left with an impression of his bright resolve and steady disposition. When he’s not on an expedition of extreme feat, he can be found scaling city walls with clips, carabiners, and fellow enthusiasts. With this in mind, we created a color palette of vibrant oranges, steely blues, and urban neutrals. The mark itself is designed to showcase his trailblazing persona in combination with his initials (MS).

We continued to carry the theme of tracking Shoffner’s route to new heights through his website visuals and animations. Marcus credits much of his success to the strength of his support system, so we also provided features for contributing sponsors and upcoming partnership opportunities.

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Let’s take you to new ground.